San Diego Dental Help Center

San Diego Dental Help Center offers free or low cost dental care to underserved patients. Children and adults who have DentiCal, Healthy Families or Delta dental insurance are eligible for this service.

This clinic is also open to American Indians. The clinic offers free dental services, including cleanings, fillings, and x-rays.

Dental Cleanings

Maintaining your oral health is a vital part of dental cleanings. They remove the plaque and tartar that have built up on your teeth over time.

Residents of the San Diego community can take advantage of these services. The San Diego Dental Help Center also offers educational presentations and oral health programs that help residents improve their overall health.

This charity offers free dental care for families with low income. The charity offers basic cleanings as well as other preventative services such fluoride varnish, sealants and other dental care.

Also, they refer people to dentists that provide emergency dental care. They also offer a sliding scale to help those without dental insurance reduce their costs.


When the enamel and dentin of a tooth are damaged, dental cavities can form.

The restoration or filling covers the area that is vulnerable and prevents further damage. Dental fillings can be made from materials like gold, porcelain, or composite resin.

San Diego Dental Help Center provides a wide range of fillings that will protect and restore your tooth. Our team will help you determine the best type of filling for your needs, whether you are an existing patient or potential new client.


The best way to protect a damaged tooth is with a dental crown. These crowns can be used for many purposes, including to cover a dental implant, repair cracked teeth and restore strength following a root canal.

Our lab creates porcelain crowns that are made to match your tooth’s natural shape, size, and color. These durable restorations improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Our San Diego office offers both traditional crowns and CEREC crowns same-day. The same-day crowns do not require impressions or temporary crowns. You can get a permanent crown in just one visit.

Root Canals

The best way to preserve your tooth is with a root canal. Many people associate a root canal with a painful and lengthy procedure.

Modern endodontics makes root canals virtually painless. A root canal is performed by a dentist who opens the tooth, removes infected tissue, disinfects and seals the chamber.

A root canal is the only option if your tooth is severely infected. If your pulp is infected, you may experience extreme pain while biting or eating, as well as swelling of the gums and sensitivity to cold or hot foods.

Dental Implants

Our dentists will replace missing teeth with dental implants. These artificial roots are made from titanium, which is a biocompatible substance that bonds with the jawbone.

Implants offer a natural-looking, permanent alternative to dentures or bridgework. They are built to last for decades with the right care.

Our team of oral surgeons and dental professionals at San Diego Dental Help Center work together to provide the most safe placement of dental implant.

After the implant has healed and the osseointegration process is complete (usually within 3-6 months), the dentist will attach a durable crown on top. After the procedure, you can resume your normal activities and enjoy a beautiful, full smile.