How a Cosmetic Dentistry Name Can Help Attract New Patients

Using the right cosmetic dentistry name practice can have a positive impact on the way your dental office is viewed by customers. A practice with a positive name will also help you to attract new patients. This is especially true in the field of Aesthetic Dentistry.

Aesthetic dentistry

Whether you’re looking for a new smile or to improve the quality of your teeth, there are several options available to you. Cosmetic dentistry offers solutions to enhance the look and function of your teeth. Aesthetic dentistry uses innovative technologies and techniques to give you a natural-looking smile.

The American Dental Association doesn’t recognize aesthetic dentistry as a formal specialty. However, many dentists refer to themselves as cosmetic dentists despite having little or no education.

Aesthetic dentistry combines the latest technologies and scientific principles to make your smile look better. In addition to using the latest techniques, your dentist may also use digital imaging technology to show you a 3-D picture of your smile.

Aesthetic dentistry may also include orthodontics, which can be helpful for patients with crooked teeth. In addition, there are many other cosmetic treatments that can help you improve the look of your teeth.

Teeth bleaching

Getting your teeth bleached is a great way to brighten your smile and avoid staining. Teeth bleaching can be done in the dentist’s office or at home. It is a quick, easy and affordable cosmetic dental procedure.

Teeth whitening is a chemical reaction that dissolves molecules responsible for tooth stains. The bleaching solution penetrates the tooth enamel to start the reaction. The chemical reaction will continue to dissolve stains for a period of 24 hours.

The bleaching agent is generally hydrogen peroxide. The concentration of the bleaching agent determines the intensity of the results. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide ranges from nine percent to 40 percent.

The teeth whitening process is comfortable and relaxing. The dentist will take a tooth color sample before the procedure. This color sample is then compared to the original color of your teeth.

Teeth shaping

During the teeth shaping procedure, the dentist uses a Dremel-like tool to remove enamel from the surface of the tooth. This procedure is generally safe and painless. However, there are some risks that can be associated with the procedure.

Before the procedure, the dentist will examine the tooth to determine the best way to reshape it. He will also evaluate the tooth’s pulp and bone support. He may also remove some enamel from the front or sides of the tooth.

Teeth reshaping is a relatively inexpensive procedure. It can correct crooked, uneven teeth, and overlapping or crowded teeth. It can also be used to fix chipped teeth.

The cost of tooth reshaping can range from $50 to $300 per tooth. Some insurance may cover part of the cost, but you may have to pay the remainder.

Teeth straightening

Having straight teeth is a huge boost to your self-confidence. Not only does it allow for more effective cleaning, but it also reduces the likelihood of cavities. In addition, straight teeth alleviate bruxism and other issues related to crooked teeth.

The teeth straightening process was first developed in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most advanced version of the procedure is known as orthodontics. Braces, which are attached to the teeth, can be a bit painful, so you should keep that in mind.

A more minimally invasive procedure, known as composite resin dentistry, can be used to close gaps in the mouth. The material used is not as stain resistant as other materials, but it is still durable.

Another treatment option is Invisalign. This type of tooth straightening uses a series of transparent aligners. The process takes about a year, depending on the severity of the misalignment.


Using dental crowns to fix cosmetic and functional problems can be an ideal way to improve your oral health and smile. Dental crowns are durable and long-lasting. They are made from solid materials, such as porcelain, which allow them to last for decades.

Dental crowns are commonly used to repair teeth that have been damaged due to decay, wear, or trauma. They also restore teeth that are missing. Dental crowns are made to look and feel like natural teeth. They are also effective in hiding cosmetic and functional problems that may otherwise be visible.

Dental crowns are often used in combination with a dental bridge to replace missing teeth. Dental crowns are used to improve the appearance of teeth that have been discolored or misaligned.